Ongoing Projects

这些是我们的工程专业学生目前正在进行或最近完成的一些项目. Take a look!

Collapsible Truck Rack System

Students: Stephen Crockett, Kienan McIntee, Jacob Thies

Description: 设计和建造一个可折叠的卡车货架系统,使卡车所有者能够携带长物品,而无需永久安装卡车货架

Ultimate Fishing Companion

Students: Jared Sommers, Matthew Vogt

Description: 基于新设备的浪潮,设计一个更好的钓鱼伙伴,这些新设备在传统的铲球盒的基础上增加了功能和易用性

Terminal Sitework for the Amelia Earhart Memorial Aiport

Civil Senior Design

Description: Perform site-civil design work including pavement, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and grading for a new terminal

Wabash Automated Weld Grinding Machine: Horse

Students: Nicholas Brouillette, Adam Burke, William Hawkins, Paul Heuser, Christopher Goodwin

Description: Provide a structural support to house the electronics package, supply the interface for the “carriage” unit, 并为Mecanum车轮提供腿作为沃巴什项目的一个方面

Wabash Automated Weld Grinding Machine: Carriage

Students: Samuel Anderson, Joanclaire Flynn, John Krishnan Myjak, Nicholas Olache

Description: 为沃巴什项目设计支持传感器阵列并附在马身上的“马车”

Wabash Automated Weld Grinding Machine: Electrical

Students: Jeanne-Marie Potthast, William Kayswer, John Corkum, Jack Herbic

Description: 为Wabash项目提供电气和软件部分,包括控制和监视器

Model for Anatomical Lesson

Students: Saige Baalman, Rachelle Regli, Kevein Whiteside

Description: 开发一个腿的功能机械模型作为肌肉骨骼系统,以帮助学生了解他们自己的生物学

Integrated Small Boat Power System

Students: Brett Burke, Adam Kutney

Description: 开发一种小型船舶的集成可移动动力系统, which typically does not require a large outboard motor

Outdoor Physics Lesson System

Students: Francis Paolucci, Riley Thielke, Richard McCoy

Description: 开发一个基于弹丸运动的课程,以满足对同时具有乐趣和教育意义的玩具的需求

Atchison Hospital Design Team – Stand Assist Chair

学生:John Aumen, Joseph Gawdun, Heling Wang, Paul Wessel

Description: 设计并制作艾奇逊医院物理治疗部的“坐立辅助椅”

Process Trainer

Students: Keegan Bell, Andrew Buss, Matthew Corbett, Nathan McMahon

Description: 设计一个用于测量和控制实验室的控制水温的实验装置, as well as Thermofluids Lab

CAM Testing and TIG Cart

Students: Derek Bretey, Daniel Freymuth, Zachary Siziec, Austin Windsor

Description: Redesign the CAM tester, 增加了通过实验室视图控制单元和记录角度位置的能力, acceleration, and forces on the followers; build a utility cart with storage and a gas tank to support a TIG welder

Cap Gun

Students: Andrew Gormley, Timothy Krieg, Denzel Young

Description: Design a better cap gun, given the substantial room for improvement in reliability, aesthetics, and functionality of currently available models

Concrete Crusher

Students: Daniel Hayes, Kaleb Mitchell, Matthew Johll, Derek Rodgers

Description: 为本尼迪克特学院土木工程实验室建造一台混凝土破碎机,能够测试压缩和第三点样品,并根据ASCE和ASTM混凝土测试标准进行分析

Wood in Concrete: A Study in Mix Design

Lead Student: Benjamin Suhr

Description: Investigate the economic, environmental, 并确定了在混凝土中使用木颗粒的重量优势和商业太阳城官网的可行性

An Acoustical Study

Lead Student: Matthew Johll

Description: 检测声音“死点”是改善St. Benedict’s Parish church

Ergonomics of Paddling

Lead Student: Adam Burke

Description: 设计一个更舒适和符合人体工程学的独木舟座位,强制良好的姿势,并允许一个全方位的运动

Automated Concrete Curing Chamber

Lead Student: Brett Burke

Description: 为将来的课程和学生项目建造一个具有自动湿度控制和提高用水效率的混凝土养护室

Morphing Metal and Elastomer Bicontinuous Foams

Lead Student: Anthony Olimpio

Description: Make hybrid tools, such as a hammer and screwdriver in one, using a “metal foam,” a silicon skeleton filled with low-melting metals


Lead Student: Alissa Muggli

Description: Create a miniature car, 完全由化学反应控制和驱动,以进入AIChE化学车比赛

Vortex Chiller Tubes

Lead Student: Daniel Hayes

Description: 通过增加空气容量来改进现有的涡流冷却器管, upgrading the control valve, and redesigning the tube interior

Site Development for A Simple House – Nicaragua

Lead Student: Kienan McIntee

Description: 在尼加拉瓜调查一块土地,为“简易之家-尼加拉瓜”未来的传教工作制定场地开发计划

Bike Rack Design for Atchison Bike Share

Lead Student: Skyler Valdez

Description: Design distinctive, functional, economical, 以及为艾奇逊共享单车倡议设计的美观的自行车架

Enhancing Benedictine’s Potato Cannons

Lead Students: Paul Wessel, Adam Burke

Description: 开发一种新的大炮设计侧重于阀门性能和人体工程学.

Autonomous Quadcopter Data Collection and Analysis

Lead Student: Matthew Anderson

Description: 编程一架四轴飞行器来监控校园停车场,并开发软件来分析图像和视频以定位开放的停车位.

Design, Analysis, and Construction of a Snowboard

Lead Student: Gerard Edwards

Description: 利用分析软件设计了一个滑雪板,并使用复合材料和数控铣床制造了滑雪板.

Stopping the Signal

Lead Student: John Finders

Description: 建立一个电子信号干扰器和一个法拉第笼,对不同强度的信号进行干扰.

本尼迪克特学院厌氧消化活力的研究, Phase 1: Construction of the Test Reactor and Procedure

Lead Student: Katharine Hirl

Description: 创建一个10升的测试反应器,并制定测试程序,以确定反应速率和沼气组成.

Design and Build Camera Ring Flash

Lead Student: Michael Klein

Description: 开发一种用于人像摄影的闪光灯,它可以消除不必要的阴影,并允许环周围的光强度变化.

Vertical Milling Machine

Lead Student: Scott Kuefler

Description: 创建一个爱好大小的垂直铣床与提高刚性和便携性的商业模式.

Concrete Canoe – Construction

Lead Student: Joe Locascio

Description: Design, Analyze, 并建造一个四人混凝土独木舟,配有预应力电缆以增强强度.

Open Hardware Off-Road Go Cart

Lead Students: Jacob Martin, Thomas Olache

Description: 使用现代工具设计一辆手推车,用于拓展项目,包括在当地高中.

Compact and Portable UAV Design Optimization

Lead Student: Graham Matlock

Description: 通过研究不同的机翼平台和机翼类型,优化SAE航空设计竞赛中的小型固定翼无人机, delaying boundary layer separation, and maximizing thrust.

Concrete Curing Chamber

Lead Student: Josh Scheuler

Description: 探索不同的养护方法来开发混凝土的强度,并建造了混凝土独木舟养护室.

Waste Oil Furnace

Lead Student: Jeremy Spalding

Description: 建一个炉子,燃烧学校食堂的废油, 达到铸造铝和青铜所需的温度.

Liquid Fluidized Bed

Lead Student: Samantha Turner

Description: 观察流体和固体颗粒相互作用时发生的反应和分离过程.

Motorized Turret Control

Lead Student: Jacob Wildhaber

Description: 开发一个安装系统,以实现精确的旋转位置控制, 允许用天线精确扫描夜空或精确瞄准nerf blaster.